Winter has come..

Winter 2020. Feels cozier and warmer. Which is ironical, since apparently the planet is up in flames and winter is supposed to feel cold. Everytime I mention winter an poem rings in my head. "Don't get me wrong,I love winters".. Such a haunting line written by my old batch ate Aditya Sinha. I resonate with... Continue Reading →

About love and sacrifice.

I've always have hour long debates with people on the ideas of whether to love is to sacrifice. And I was, am and always be of that opinion. When two people fall in love, no matter how much of a two bodies one soul they are, they need to understand that they are two individuals... Continue Reading →


तेरे जिस्म की हर खुशबू को इत्र की तरह कैद कर सकते अगर, तो फूल लेने हम बाजार न जाते, जवाब मिलता अगर हमें ऐलान ऐ इश्क़ का, तो तुझे भुलाने मैखाने हर बार न जाते तेरा नाम ना लिया हमने इस महफ़िल में के शर्म से लाल तुम्हारे रुखसार हो जाते, तुम पर आंच... Continue Reading →


It was time. Like every other night. He creepy into her room. Like every other night. Prepared to give her nightmares for the rest of her life. Like every other night. But fate had different plans. Curled up at the corner of her bed she seemed lost. Hopelessness trickling down her cheeks. Usually upon his... Continue Reading →


क्या कहने को बाकी रह गया है अभी कागज़ रूठे कलम ख़ामोश हैं, जज़्बातों को कैसे करें बयाँ इस बोझ तले अल्फ़ाज़ बेहोश है..


It was well past 3:00 am now. She had not made any appearances yet. I was determined that I will finish what I had started. I will not let her sweet voice distract me this time. It was somehow difficult to let go of her. She always had me in her trance. I had never... Continue Reading →

Emotional Dependence

Emotional Dependence. Good or Bad? Ever since 2017 has been declared as the year for mental health awareness there is one wave in the whole world- making sure that people are mentally healthy. But is asking just enough? Is giving them a hug enough. Today I want a reality check from all of you. How... Continue Reading →

Clouds and Communication..

Meghdoot- the cloud messenger, an excellent lyric poem written by Kalidasa India's greatest playwright. The poem illustrates the story of how a yaksha sends over his message of exile to his wife via a cloud and the journey the cloud makes on its way. Beautifully written, it is Kalidasa's unique way to describe the pains... Continue Reading →

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